BIONZ LAB is a story of friendship, dedication to exacting principles, and swift success. Founded in 2022 by four friends who met through affinity for the business related to health with quality of life.

The BIONZ LAB has grown rapidly into a leading technology-driven hemp solutions provider. Our carefully selected team of  includes top businessman, pharmaceutical, chemists, engineers, doctors, and biologists paired with talented operators and a robust sales and marketing team.

A strong sense of pride runs through the company as we share our mission to create the highest-quality hemp cannabinoid products possible.


From seed to shelf, we responsibly produce superior, innovative hemp-based products for customers, partners, and employees seeking a better quality of life through hemp technology. Offer, provide and promote products for treatments with less damage to health.



Provide more natural products and reatments, alleviate the needs of modern life, and take a holistic approatch to healing and living.



Healing and Living


  • Compassion
  • Diversity
  • Empowerment
  • Natural Health
  • Alternative Solutions
  • Research and knowledge sharing



Purpose: Healing & Life



DNA is the code used to create long chans of molecules, called amino acids, and then combined into proteins. Every individual has a specific DNA´s code, which impacts the quality, abundance or absence of certain proteins (endocannabinoid system), creating a lock in the brain or in the body.

On the other hand, Phyto cannabinoids has been a therapeutic alternative to unlock the chains in the endocannabinoid system, promoting well being, quality of life of patients in irreversible or terminal clinical situation, in palliative care, and in chronic pain treatment.

What is CBD

  • Cannabidiol (CBD) is naturally found in the Cannabis plant, and contains 100s of different cannabinoids (e.g. THC and CBD) and terpenes (e.g. Pinene and limonene).


  • CBD is non-intoxicating at low to moderate doses and non euphoric. The benefits are anti-inflamatory, antioxidant, neuroprotectant, antidepressant, anxiolytic, analgesic, antipsychotic and anti-tumoral agent.


  • Patients may have different tolerance and response to different cannabinoids and terpenoids.